
Photographing a Black Hole: What does it take to capture darkness?


On Wednesday, astronomers shocked the world by revealing the first-ever image of a black hole. To understand the magnitude of this feat, let’s first give a little perspective: the

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    Brian Fulda
Introducing the Depth Collective: A New Light Initiative for Photojournalists


Captured by Brian Frank. Anyone can take a picture, but not everyone can capture one that matters. As a company of photographers, we believe in the power of photojournalism. This

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The Art of Freezing a Fast-Moving Subject

The Art of Freezing a Fast-Moving Subject

One of the earlier features we shipped with the Light L16 was our burst mode, which lets photographers take three or six shots in quick succession. This mode is perfect

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The Light L16 in the Wild


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  • Light
Putting the Light L16 to the Test

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Though we’ve made great strides in the past few months, it’s hard to know exactly how the L16 stacks up against other cameras without seeing it for ourselves.

  • Light
The Light L16 is Now Open for New Reservations

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"It's part ultimate travel camera, part spy gear." -*The Wall Street Journal* Nearly four years ago, we set out on a mission to rethink the camera. We wanted to

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