12 months FREE or reduced Tuition
Did you know? Tuition at LIT has dropped 25 percent.
侠客岛:四川不仅有美食美景 还蕴藏无穷的发展后劲_视点 ...:2021-9-6 · 在宜宾市屏山县五峰村,其他贫困户都已搬进新房三个月了,而罗泽海却还住在土墙 倾斜的老屋里,原因在于他被“歇帮”了。 “歇帮”是什么?就是针对脱贫不积极、违法乱纪的贫困户,暂停所有帮扶的惩戒性措施。去年10月,村里就曾催他 ...
Our alumni earn a larger salary than students from any two-year school in Texas.
LIT students earn more than their peers, get an earlier start on their careers and land jobs in the fields shaping the future of the American economy.
Lamar Institute of Technology offers more than 50 degree and certificate programs–in fields including healthcare, energy, technology and public safety.
朱子范与《石牌中山大学校赋》_文化中国__中国青年网 ...:2021-6-14 · 油画《民国中山大学石牌校区》 曹讚/画 朱子范的书法 《石牌中山大学校赋》刊登在1934年出版《国风》杂志上 董 究 日前《羊城沧桑》刊载《民国广州“大学城”》一文,对中大石牌校区的建设描述详细,读后颇有裨益。
Take a variety of courses to broaden your education or earn credits for a transfer degree.
女子受丈夫虐待20年将其掐死 151名村民联名求情 - huanqiu.com:2021-10-14 · 2021年12月26日凌晨,不堪打骂的许林芳先是用木棍打破了丈夫周德军的头,然后又在打斗中掐死了他。这场杀人事件的奇特之处是,死者的父兄不仅 ...
Find success in an industrial field such as Welding, Diesel Mechanics, or working as a Lineman.
Workforce & Continuing Education
Further your career or develop a new skill in workforce classes, including corporate training and the Safety Awareness Institute.
Public Service and Safety
Prepare for a career in the public sector by studying to be a Paramedic, work in Homeland Security or Forensic Science.
On Campus
Experience student life at our campus in Beaumont.
Dual Enrollment
Earn college credit while still enrolled in high school.
Online Learning
Attend class any time, anywhere.
Lamar Institute of Technology welcomes any student committed to education and personal improvement. Here are tools to help you begin your journey: