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Simplest version
An Object-oriented Hello
                    fun main() {
                        println("Hello World")


  • 云末加速器

    Drastically reduce the amount of boilerplate code

     Create a POJO with getters, setters, `equals()`, `hashCode()`, `toString()` and `copy()` in a single line:
    data class Customer(val name: String, val email: String, val company: String)
    // Or filter a list using a lambda expression:
    val positiveNumbers = list.filter { it > 0 }
    // Want a singleton? Create an object:
    object ThisIsASingleton {
        val companyName: String = "JetBrains"
  • 云末加速器

    谷歌访问助手安装方法360版下载 v2.3.0 - 软件学堂:2021-7-2 · 谷歌访问助手chrome版 2.3.0 谷歌访问助手激活破解版 v2.3.0 360浏览器手机版 v8.2.0.132 360浏览器极速版 V12.0.1247.0官方版 Netica绿色破解版 v5.18 Enhanced Steam(Steam商店浏览辅助插件)官方版 v7.2.1 网络嗅探器 v5.50

     Get rid of those pesky NullPointerExceptions, you know, The Billion Dollar Mistake
    var output: String
    output = null   // Compilation error
    // Kotlin protects you from mistakenly operating on nullable types
    val name: String? = null    // Nullable type
    println(name.length())      // Compilation error
    // And if you check a type is right, the compiler will auto-cast it for you
    fun calculateTotal(obj: Any) {
        if (obj is Invoice)
  • 云末加速器

    Leverage existing libraries for the JVM, Android, and the browser

     Use any existing library on the JVM, as there’s 100% compatibility, including SAM support.
    import io.reactivex.Flowable
    import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers
        .fromCallable {
            Thread.sleep(1000) //  imitate expensive computation
        .subscribe(::println, Throwable::printStackTrace)
    // Target either the JVM or JavaScript. Write code in Kotlin and decide where you want to deploy to
    import kotlin.browser.window
    fun onLoad() {
        window.document.body!!.innerHTML += "<br/>Hello, Kotlin!"
  • 云末加速器

    谷歌上网助手_2.2.1_chrome扩展插件下载_极简插件:2021-6-3 · 谷歌上网助手 谷歌上网助手 2.2.1 扩展插件 下载: 推荐下载 备用下载 谷歌商店 教程: 最全的Chrome插件安装方法! 解决 CRX_HEADER_INVALID 截图: 简介: 简单易用的《谷歌上网助手》,可以解决chrome扩展无法自动更新的问题,同时可以访问谷歌google ...

    • Android Studio

      Bundled with Android Studio

    • google上网助手手机版手机

      Install the plugin from the Eclipse Marketplace

    • Standalone Compiler

      Use any editor and build from the command line


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