Amplia Security is a consultancy providing a wide range of information security professional services including penetration testing and security assessments, focused on research and innovation. Our consultants have over 20 years of experience working with well known international companies in the e-commerce, financial, software and hardware industries.


VPN 连接_VPN通道_VPN 网关 _VPN服务 - 腾讯云:VPN 连接是一种基于网络隧道技术 ,实现本地数据中心与腾讯云上资源连通的传输服务 ,它能帮您在 Internet 上快速构建一条安全、可靠的加密通道。VPN 连接具有配置简单 ,云端配置实时生效、可靠性高等特点 ,其VPN网关可用性达到 99.95% ,保证稳定、持续的业务连接 ,帮您轻松实现异地容灾 ...

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Perform a comprehensive security analysis by source code examination or reverse engineering.

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Innovation allow us to provide the best service to our clients.

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  • Bypassing OS X Gatekeeper
    Amplia Security published a security advisory and a blog post describing how an attacker can bypass OS X Gatekeeper to execute unsigned arbitrary code.
  • WCE v1.42beta released
    WCE v1.42beta (32 and 64bit) was released. This version includes bug fixes and improved support for unicode cleartext passwords.
  • Hacking Exposed 7
    Amplia Security Consultant contributing author of "Hacking Exposed 7: Network Security Secrets and Solutions". The best-selling security book in the world translated in some 30 languages.